Scientists have confirmed that the majority of overweight people who try to lose weight either by cutting calories or exercising will return to their former size.
在每年1200万节食(go on a diet)的英国人中,只有不到10%能成功减去大量体重(lose significant amounts of weight),绝大多数人会在一年内反弹回去(put it all back on again within a year)。一项对2.5万人进行调查的研究进一步印证了"溜溜球节食效应"的普遍性(provide further evidence of the prevalence of "yo-yo dieting"),它是指减肥者陷入反复减肥的恶性循环。
该研究项目负责人丽贝卡·哈代博士说:"人们一旦超重,就会一发不可收拾地胖下去(once people become overweight, they continue relentlessly upwards),很难瘦回来。有些人可以减掉一些体重,但很少有人减到正常(very few get back to normal)。最好的办法(the best policy)就是从一开始就不要长胖。"